Crest Advisory Africa Pty Ltd (Hereafter CAA) is a Global Management System Consultancy working with diverse entities, whether private or public, to improve and grow the business we are working with to at least have a 33% to a maximum of 200% increase on their profitability.
CAA’s blueprint in changing businesses around is based on the total quality management (TQM) methodology used across the globe since the 1940s. It is nothing new, however, boards, executives, divisional managers, C-suite appointees do not know and understand the building blocks needed to build and grow businesses.
CAA’s vast experience in this field will be shared with you in a number of articles that will be published over the next six (6) weeks. Each of these articles is not only based on best practices in an academic environment but it is based on a hybrid competency system consisting of knowledge gained, skills developed, behaviour towards change and Risk Management and the last component, understanding the context of each environment.
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), a Higher Cognitive Thinking
CAA, with our deep understanding of Management Systems (MS), whether it is the implementation of new Technology, new Systems, a new Management Appointment, a new Ethical Approach or a new Corporate Governance Approach, measure the success of each of these “New” approaches with the same measuring stick. This measuring stick is simplistic but also complex in its understanding and application.
We are speaking nothing simpler than the PDCA Methodology. This Methodology has been used with great success in Fortune 500 companies across the world.
PDCA is a business process in itself. It is a set of interrelated activities designed to produce a specific outcome for any entity which adopts the PDCA Methodology. Business processes exist in all types of organizations, and they are used to keep track of the workflow influx. Processes are a fundamental factor for the optimal functioning of a business. Each process usually has well-defined objectives, which create the foundation, value for satisfying the expectations of stakeholders and shareholders.
Visualization of the PDCA Methodology
Einstein stated: “Genius is making complex ideas simple, not making simple ideas complex”
Management Systems Methodology is exactly the same. Once you understand the various building blocks of each strategic phase of business design, business architecture, business maintenance etc, it becomes easy to identify the gaps and where there is room for improvement.
The infographic below details a step by step approach to the management systems blueprint. This blueprint provides a structured and systematic approach to implementing any Management System. This blueprint is generic in nature but forms the backbone of any management system architecture.
This backbone blueprint must be customized to fit the specific companies’ environment, culture, leadership and strategic direction.
Creating Expectations
CAA has stated that we will provide you with thought leadership articles to unpack this cognitive skill which is very rare to find in general. Thus, you will receive a periodical article that you can collect and bind together as the start of a White Paper on How to Turn your Business around and how to increase your Return on Investment (ROI)
A Call to Action
Crest Advisory Africa (Pty) Ltd is an internationally recognised and accredited Training, Advisory Services and Management System Certification (MSC) entity specialising in Management Systems, whether ISO (Internationally), to King IV or Sorbian Oxley (SOX).
We provide all the various end to end services to drive business, which includes a variety of Management System Toolkits, specifically designed for each standard.
Our contact details are below. Give us a call and see how we can contribute to driving a higher ROI with Cognitive Thinking