Book your Human Rights Audit for 2023

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Human Rights Audit


The start of the 2022 FIFA Soccer world cup has been controversial with many countries around the world expressing their dismay and a human rights audit could have prevented this. The source of all this is listed as follows:

The awarding of the 2022 FIFA World Cup to Qatar created several concerns and controversies regarding both Qatar's suitability as a host country and the fairness of the FIFA World Cup bidding process. Criticism from several media outlets, sporting experts, and human rights groups highlighted problems such as Qatar's limited football history, the high expected cost, the local climate, bribery in the bidding process, and Qatar's record of human rights violations, though other parts of the world do not focus as much on these concerns.

The choice to host the World Cup in Qatar has been the source of substantive controversies, such as criticisms regarding the multiple violations of human rights in Qatar, especially their treatment of migrant workers and position on LGBT issues, leading to allegations of sports washing. Others have said Qatar's intense climate and lack of a strong football culture is evidence of bribery for hosting rights and wider FIFA corruption.

Boycotts of the event are planned by several countries, clubs and individual players, and former FIFA President Sepp Blatter has twice said that giving Qatar hosting rights was a "mistake". The attendance figures at the matches have also come under scrutiny as the reported crowd attendance has been more than the stadium capacities despite games having visible empty seats. Current FIFA President Gianni Infantino has defended the hosting of the tournament in Qatar.


I have been a staunch supporter of Human Rights and the protection of various diverse groups within the communities. As a former high-ranking officer (Brigadier) in the South African Police Services (SAPS), based in the heart of Soweto, the globally known black township (Meadowlands) on the outskirts of Johannesburg, where the fire has burnt since 1976, with the Youths demonstrations against the former Apartheid Regime which resulted in the death of Hector Peterson on 16 June 1976.

Yes, I was the Station Commissioner of Meadowlands Police Station for 7 blessed years. Over this period and before this appointment, my objective was the protection of women, children, and diverse groups, and the prevention of corruption. Here are some articles regarding my efforts to protect Human Rights across the Globe:

As you can see in these published articles, I have been very involved in the drive towards the protection of Human Rights since 1998. As a Senior Officer in the SAPS, I was working with the pain suffered because of the failure of Human Rights. And we need to understand what this means. Human Rights are rights that every person has because they are human, a person, a people, a group, etc. But the main objective is Human. To protect all vulnerable groups and individuals from all abuses. This has been burnt into my DNA for years and I will give everything to protect and prevent Human Rights abuses.

Since 2014, I have focussed on creating my business, Crest Advisory Africa (hereinafter CAA), with a global impact, not limited by any bureaucracy. And because of this approach, CAA has been conducting Human Rights Audits across the Globe. We have been recognised by the International Code of Conduct Association (ICOCA) as a protection of Human Rights observers, meaning that CAA can provide human rights audits on practices and investigate any human rights abuses.

10 Pillar Approach to Human Rights Audits

In line with the ICoCA requirements, CAA has developed our stringent Human Rights audit criteria which stand on 10 pillars as detailed in the Montreux Document and the ICoCA.

  • Establish and maintain a transparent governance and management framework to deter, detect, monitor, address, and prevent the occurrence and recurrence of incidents that have adverse impacts on human rights and fundamental freedoms.
  • Identify and operate by applicable international, national, and local laws and regulations.
  • Conduct comprehensive internal and external risk assessments associated with safety, security, and human rights risks.
  • Implement risk control measures that support the rule of law, respect the human rights of stakeholders, protect the interests of the organisation and its clients, and provide professional services.
  • Ensure suitable and sufficient operational controls based on identified risks are implemented and managed to enhance the occupational health and safety and the welfare of persons working on behalf of the organisation.
  • Effectively communicate and consult with public and private stakeholders.
  • conduct effective screening and training of persons working on the organisation’s behalf.
  • Ensure that the use of force is reasonably necessary, proportional, and lawful.
  • conduct performance evaluations of services rendered and the achievement of objectives.
  • Develop and implement systems for reporting and investigating allegations of international law, local law, or human rights violations, as well as mitigating and remedying the consequences of undesirable or disruptive events.

These Audit Criteria Are Based On:

  • International humanitarian law
  • Customary international law
  • International human rights law

Contact CAA

Contact us today for CAA to conduct your Human Rights Audit or training within your organisation.

Human Rights is a marketable currency to conduct sustainable business across the Globe.


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